Recent Journal Publications


J1. Boakye-Yiadom S, Tetteh F, Agyapong J*, Duntu S, Eliasu A*, Czekanski A. Microstructural Evolution During Heat Treatment of 18 wt% Ni Maraging 300 Steel Processed Using Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS), Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A

J2. Eliasu A*, Boakye-Yiadom S and Czekanski A. Effect of Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) Parameters on the Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of 316L Stainless Steel, Journal of Manufacturing Processes

J3. Chaudhry MS* and Czekanski A. Effect of FDM Process Parameter on the Mechanical Performance of Thermoplastic Polyurethane under Quasi-Static and High Strain Rate Loading, Rapid Prototyping Journal

J4. Chaudhry MS* and Czekanski A. FE Analysis of Critical Testing Parameters in Kolsky Bar Experiments for Elastomers at High Strain Rate, Materials

J5. Somireddy M*, Czekanski A and Singh CV. Exploring the Mechanics of 3D-Printed Short Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Parts and Their Morphometric Analysis, Engineering Failure Analysis

J6. Czekanski A and Zozulya V*. Vibration Analysis of Nonlocal Beams Using Higher Order Theory and Comparison with Classical Models, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

J7. Agyapong J*, Czekanski A and Boakye-Yiadom S. Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructural Evolution and Properties of WC-17 Co Alloy Processed by Selective Laser Sintering, Materials Science & Engineering A

J8. Czekanski A and Zozulya V*. Dynamics of Vibrating Beams Using First Order Theory Based On Legendre Polynomial Expansion, Archive of Applied Mechanics

J9. Czekanski A and Zozulya V*. Solution of the 3-D Elastodynamic Contact Problem for a Cracked Body Using the Boundary Integral Equation Method and Constrained Optimization Algorithm, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

J10. Somireddy M*, Czekanski A and Singh CV. Experimental Analysis of the Material Behavior of 3D Printed Laminates, Experimental Mechanics

J11. Bonifaz E*, Conde JM and Czekanski A. Determination of Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing for In738lc Gas-Tungsten-Arc-Welds, Journal of Multiscale Modelling


J12. Czekanski A and Zozulya V*. A High Order Theory for Functionally Graded Shells, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

J13. Moraes D* and Czekanski A. Numerical Thermal Analysis on the Powder Effective Thermal Conductivity During Selective Laser Melting, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing

J14. Czekanski A and Zozulya V*. Comparative Study of Time and Frequency Domain Approaches in Frictional Contact Problem for the I-mode Crack under Harmonic Loading, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

J15. Abdelhamid M* and Czekanski A. Impact of the Lattice Angle on the Effective Properties of the Octet-truss Lattice Structure, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology

J16. Czekanski A. and Zozulya V. Comparative Study of Time and Frequency Domain Approaches in Frictional Contact Problem for the I-mode Crack under Harmonic Loading, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

J17. Abdelhamid M. and Czekanski A. Impact of the Lattice Angle on the Effective Properties of the Octet-truss Lattice Structure, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology

J18. Kumar S* and Czekanski A. Roadmap to Sustainable Plastic Additive Manufacturing, Materials Today Communications

J19. Somireddy M*, Singh CV and Czekanski A. Development of Constitutive Material Model of 3D Printed Structure via FDM, Materials Today Communications

J20. Lambe A* and Czekanski A. A Density Field Parametrization for Topology Optimization using Bernstein Elements, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

J20. Sigaeva T* and Czekanski A. Finite Bending of a Multilayered Cylindrical Nanosector with Residual Deformations, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids

J21. Bonifaz E*, Alban A. and Czekanski A. Finite Element Analysis of Cylindrical Inclusions in Polycrystalline Nickel Alloys, Journal of Multiscale Modelling


J21. Carrick R* and Czekanski A. A Review of Outcome-Based Education and the Use of Engineering Design Competitions to Improve Underrepresented Attributes, International Journal of Engineering Education

J22. Kumar S* and Czekanski A. Optimisation of Parameters for SLS of WC-Co, Rapid Prototyping Journal

J23. Chaudhry M S*, Czekanski A and Zhu Z. Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Enhanced Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Woven Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences

J24. Kumar S* and Czekanski A. Development of Filament using SLS Waste Powder, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 165, pp. 1188-1196, 2017.

J25. Somireddy M* and Czekanski A. Mechanical Characterization of Additively Manufactured Parts by FE Modeling of Mesostructure, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, Vol. 1, pp. 1-21, 2017.

J26. Lambe A* and Czekanski A. Topology Optimization using a Continuous Density Field and Adaptive Mesh Refinement, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol 113, pp. 357-373, 2017.

J27. Al-Dojayli M and Czekanski A. Integrated Engineering Design Education: Lateral and Vertical Learning, Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, Vol. 21, pp. 45-59, 2017.

J28. Bonifaz E*, Alban A. and Czekanski A. Finite Element Analysis of Cylindrical Inclusions in Polycrystalline Nickel Alloys, Journal of Multiscale Modelling, 2017.


J29. Sigaeva T and Czekanski A. Coupling of Surface Effect and Hyperelasticity in a Combined Tension and Torsion of a Circular Cylinder, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol 85-86, pp. 172-179, 2016. 

J30. Li G, Zhu ZH, Cain J, Newland F and Czekanski A. Libration Control of Bare Electrodynamic Tethers Considering Elastic-Thermal-Electrical Coupling, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 642-654, 2016.

J31. Sigaeva T and Czekanski A.  Implementation of Surface Effect in Three Kinds of Pure Bending, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec. 2016.07.010, In Press, 2016.

J32. Bonifaz E, Baus J and Czekanski A. Finite Element Modelling of Dual-Phase Polycrystalline Nickel-Based Alloys, Mechanics of Materials, No 98, pp. 134-141, 2016.

J33. Carrick R and Czekanski A. Emphasizing Important Graduate Attributes Through Team and Project Based Learning, International Journal of Engineering Education, Accepted, 2016.

J34. Chaudhry M, Czekanski A and Zhu Z. Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Enhanced Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Woven Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Submitted, 2016.

J35. Bonifaz E, Conde JM and Czekanski A. Determination of Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing for In738lc Gas-Tungsten-Arc-Welds, Journal of Material Research and Technology, Submitted, 2016.

J36. Al-Dojayli M and Czekanski A. Integrated Engineering Design Education: Lateral and Vertical Learning, Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, Submitted, 2016.

J37. Kumar S and Czekanski A. Development of Filament using SLS Waste Powder, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Submitted, 2016. 

J38. Bonifaz E, Alban N and Czekanski A. Finite Element Analysis of Cylindrical Inclusions in Polycrystalline Nickel Alloys, Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics, Submitted, 2016.

J39. Chaudhry M and Czekanski A. On the Finite Element Modelling and Material Characterization of Elastomers subject to High Strain Rates. Materials Research, Submitted, 2016.

J40. Bonifaz E and Czekanski A. A New Thermal Model in Friction Stir Welding In SAE-AISI 1524, Carbon Steel. Acta Materialia, Submitted, 2016.


J41. Gwiazda A, Monica Z and Czekanski A. Application of the Advanced Engineering Systems for Modeling Logistics Processes. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia, Vol. 3, pp. 81-93, 2015.


J42. Bonifaz E and Czekanski A. Multiscale Simulations in a Butt Single Fusion Weld. International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures, No. 4, pp. 273–280, 2014.

This section is under work!

Recent Conference Publications and Presentations


C1. Czekanski A and Somireddy M*. ‘Investigation of the Material Behavior of the 3D Printed Parts’, 23rd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Cracow, Poland, September 8-12, 2019.

C2. Agyapong J*, Czekanski A and Boakye-Yiadom S, Microstructural Characterization of WC-Co Cemented Carbide Processed Using Selective Laser Sintering, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2019, Portland, Oregon, USA, August 4-8, 2019.

C3. Somireddy M* and Czekanski A. ‘Characterization of Mechanical Behavior of 3D Printed Composite Parts’, Canadian Materials Science Conference (CMSC 2019), Vancouver, BC Canada, June 10-13, 2019.

C4. Eliasu A*, Czekanski A and Boakye-Yiadom S. Effect of Printing Parameters on Porosity and Microhardness of AISI 316L Fabricated by DMLS, Canadian Materials Science Conference (CMSC 2019), Vancouver, BC Canada, June 10-13, 2019.

C5. Agyapong J*, Czekanski A and Boakye-Yiadom S. Microstructural Characterization of Heat Treated 3D Printed Cemented Carbide, Canadian Materials Science Conference (CMSC 2019), Vancouver, BC Canada, June 10-13, 2019.

C6. Eliasu A*, Czekanski A and Boakye-Yiadom S. Effect of Printing Parameters on Porosity of DMLS AISI 316L Alloy, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress Conference (CSME2019), London, ON, Canada, June 3 – 5, 2019.

C7. Agyapong J*, Czekanski A and Boakye-Yiadom S. Nanoindentation of WC-Co Cemented Carbide Fabricated by Selective Laser Sintering, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress Conference (CSME2019), London, ON, Canada, June 3 – 5, 2019.

C8. Rojas C* and Czekanski A. ‘Thermal Conductivity of a Stainless Steel 316 Body-Centered Cube Packing Particle at Sintering Temperatures’, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress Conference (CSME2019), London, ON, Canada, June 3 – 5, 2019.

C9. Ha MR* and Czekanski A. ‘Five Capabilities of Design Engineers: Towards Understanding the Transdisciplinary Competencies’, 2019 Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference (CEEA2019), Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 2 – 5, 2019.


C10. Czekanski A and Abdelhamid MS*. ‘On the Effective Properties of the Octet-Truss Lattice’, 41st Solid Mechanics Conference (SOLMECH2018), Warsaw, Poland, August 27 – 31, 2018.

C11. Somireddy M* and Czekanski A. ‘Computational Modeling of 3D Printed Parts for Analysis of Constitutive Behavior of Material’, 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM2018), New York, NY, USA, July 22 – 26, 2018.

C12. Moraes D* and Czekanski A. ‘Powder Packing Density and Diameter FE Analysis on the Temperature Distribution of Selective Laser Melting using SS304’, 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM2018), New York, NY, USA, July 22 – 26, 2018.

C13. Thakkar R* and Czekanski A. ‘A Novel Visco-hyper Elastic Rate Dependent Constitutive Modeling for Elastomers to Capture Strain Rate Dependency’, 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM2018), New York, NY, USA, July 22 – 26, 2018.

C14. Czekanski A and Zozulya V*. ‘Nonlocal Theory of Plates, Shells and Beams. Higher Order, Timoshenko’s and Euler-Bernoulli Models’, 2018 International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (ICMAMS2018), Turin, Italy, 17 – 20 June 2018.

C15. Somireddy M* and Czekanski A. ‘Homogenization of Material Properties of the 3D Printed Part via FDM’, 18th U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNC/TAM 2018), Chicago, Il, USA, June 4 – 9, 2018.

C16. Moraes D* and Czekanski A. ‘Numerical Analysis of the Laser Scanning Strategy Effect on the Thermal History in Selective Laser Melting’, 18th U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNC/TAM 2018), Chicago, Il, USA, June 4 – 9, 2018.

C17. Thakkar R* and Czekanski A. ‘A Novel Visco-hyper Elastic Rate Dependent Constitutive Modeling for Elastomers’, 18th U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNC/TAM 2018), Chicago, Il, USA, June 4 – 9, 2018.

C18. Ha MR* and Czekanski A. ‘Meaningful Problems in Students’ Design Projects: Relational, Perceptual, and Moral Tensions’, 2018 Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference (CEEA2018), Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 3 – 6, 2018.

C19. Carrick RN* and Czekanski A. ‘Assessing the Individual in Team Based Design Projects’, Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference (CEEA2018), Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 3 – 6, 2018.

C20. Wahsh F* and Czekanski A. ‘The Effect of High Strain Rate on the Piezo-Resistance of Polydimethylsiloxane with Carbon Nanotubes’, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress Conference (CSME2018), Toronto, ON, Canada, May 27 – 30, 2018.

C21. Czekanski A and Zozulya V*. ‘A Higher Order Theory of Beams and Its Application to The MEMS/NEMS Analysis and Simulations’, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress Conference (CSME2018), Toronto, ON, Canada, May 27 – 30, 2018.

C22. Somireddy M* and Czekanski A. ‘Material Properties of 3D Printed Parts: Challenges in Design and Analysis’, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress Conference (CSME2018), Toronto, ON, Canada, May 27 – 30, 2018.

C23. Abdelhamid M* and Czekanski A. ‘Evaluation of Lattice Structure Optimization Software using 3D Printing’, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress Conference (CSME2018), Toronto, ON, Canada, May 27 – 30, 2018.

C24. Thakkar R* and Czekanski A. ‘A Novel Finite Strain Visco-Hyperelasticity Based Constitutive Model for Elastomers’, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress Conference (CSME2018), Toronto, ON, Canada, May 27 – 30, 2018.

C25. Moraes D* and Czekanski A. ‘Powder Thermal Conductivity Analysis in Selective Laser Melting’, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress Conference (CSME2018), Toronto, ON, Canada, May 27 – 30, 2018.

C26. Carrick RN* and Czekanski A. ‘Preparing and Coordinating Undergraduate Engineering Design Project’, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress Conference (CSME2018), Toronto, ON, Canada, May 27 – 30, 2018.

C27. Ha MR* and Czekanski A. ‘Towards a Conceptual Model of Design Team Learning in Mechanical Engineering Education’, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress Conference (CSME2018), Toronto, ON, Canada, May 27 – 30, 2018. 

C28. Omeziri O* and Czekanski A. ‘High Strain-rate Behavior of Mechanoluminescent Material Dispersed in a Soft Polymer Matrix’, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress Conference (CSME2018), Toronto, ON, Canada, May 27 – 30, 2018.


C29. Thakkar R* and Czekanski A. ‘A Comparative FE Analysis of Hart-Smith Hyperelastic Model under Uniaxial, Planer and Equi-biaxial Tension’, ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2017) Tampa, FL, USA, November 3 – 9, 2017.

C30. Moraes D* and Czekanski A. ‘Thermal Modeling of 304L Stainless Steel for Selective Laser Melting: Laser Power Input Evaluation’, ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2017) Tampa, FL, USA, November 3 – 9, 2017.

C31. Somireddy M*, Moraes D*, and Czekanski A. ‘Flexural Behavior of FDM Parts: Experimental, Analytical and Numerical Study’, 28th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium – An Additive Manufacturing Conference (SFF Symp 2017) Austin TX, USA, August 7 – 9, 2017.

C32. Jankowski K, Chaudhry MS* and Czekanski A, ‘Selection and Experimental Validation of Contact / Impact Models Suitable for Multibody Dynamics Simulations’, Multibody Dynamics 2017, 6 pages, Prague, Czech Republic, June 19 – 22, 2017.

C33. Somireddy M* and Czekanski A. ‘Characterization of Material Behavior of the Fused Deposition Modeling Processed Parts’, ASME 2017 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2017), Los Angeles, CA, June 4 – 8, 2017.

C34. Carrick RN* and Czekanski A. ‘Preparing Students for Success through Implementation of a Unified Curriculum Design Spine’, 2017 Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference (CEEA2017), Toronto, ON, Canada, June 4 – 7, 2017.

C35. Abdelhamid M* and Czekanski A. ‘On the Finite Element Modelling of Octet-Truss Lattice Structures’, 26th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM2017), Victoria, BC, May 28 – June 1, 2017.

C36. Thakkar R* and Czekanski A. ‘Temperature Dependent Hyperelastic Constitutive Modeling using Multiplicative Decomposition of Deformation Gradient’, 26th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM2017), Victoria, BC, May 28 – June 1, 2017.

C37. Abdelhamid M* and Czekanski A. ‘Evaluation of Lattice Structure Optimization Software Using 3D Printing’, 26th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM2017), Victoria, BC, May 28 – June 1, 2017.

C38. Czekanski A and Chaudhry MS*. ‘Predicting the Mechanical Properties in Fused Deposition Modelling of Elastomers using Artificial Neural Network’, 26th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM2017), Victoria, BC, May 28 – June 1, 2017.

C39. Czekanski A and Kumar S*. ‘Characterization of Material Behavior of the Fused Deposition Modeling Processed Parts’, 26th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM2017), Victoria, BC, May 28 – June 1, 2017.

C40. Kumar S* and Czekanski. ‘Development of WC-Co Tool by Additive Manufacturing, 26th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM2017), Victoria, BC, May 28 – June 1, 2017.

C41. Abdelhamid M* and Czekanski A. ‘Evaluation of OptiStruct’s Lattice Structure Optimization using 3D Printing’, 2017 ATCx OptiStruct Conference, MI, USA, 8 pages, February 9, 2017.


C42. Lambe A and Czekanski A. ‘Adaptive Topology Optimization using Continuous Material Distribution Function’, ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2016) Phoenix, AR, USA, November 11 – 17, 2016. 

C43. Abdelhamid M and Czekanski A. ‘On the Effective Properties of 3D Metamaterials’, ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2016) Phoenix, AR, USA, November 11 – 17, 2016

C44. Chaudhry MS, Al-Dojayli M and Czekanski A. ‘Performance of 3-D Printed Thermoplastic Polyurethane under Quasi-Static and High-Strain Rate Loading’, ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2016) Phoenix, AR, USA, November 11 – 17, 2016.

C45. Sigaeva T and Czekanski A. ‘Pure Bending of Nanostructures in the Framework of Hyperelasticity’, 53rd Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES2016), Hyattsville, MD, USA, October 2 – 5, 2016.

C46. Czekanski A and Chaudhry MS. ‘Characterization of Piezoresistive Effect in CNT/ Elastomeric Nanocompsities Under Uniaxial Compressive Loading’, 40th Solid Mechanics Conference (SOLMECH2016), Warsaw, Poland, Aug 29 – Sept 02, 2016. 

C47. Chaudhry MS and Czekanski A, ‘High Strain Rate Response of Carbon Nanotubes Based Elastomer Composites’, 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, ICTAM2016, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 21 – 26, 2016. 

C48. Lambe A and Czekanski A. ‘Topology Optimization using Bernstein Basis Polynomials’, 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2016), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 21 – 26, 2016

C49. Sigaeva T and Czekanski A. ‘Effect of the Surface on Hyperelastic Properties of Materials at Smaller Scales’, 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2016), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 21 – 26, 2016. 

C50. Chaudhry MS and Czekanski A. ‘Finite Element Analysis of Pulse Shaping Technique In Kolsky Compression Bar For Elastomers’, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress Conference (CSME2016), Kelowna, BC, Canada, June 26 – 29, 2016. 

C51. Bennett C, Ha MR and Czekanski A. ‘Awareness of Self and the Engineering Field: Students’ Assessment of ‘Fit’ and Preparedness for Engineering Education’, 2016 Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference (CEEA2016), Halifax, NS, Canada, June 19 – 22, 2016. 

C52. Carrick RN, Czekanski A and Ha MR. ‘Building a More Complete Design Experience: Philosophies and Reflections from a Second Year Mechanical Engineering Design Project Course’, 2016 Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference (CEEA2016), Halifax, NS, Canada, June 19 – 22, 2016. 

C53. Chaudhry MS and Czekanski A. ‘Continuum Mechanics Approach to the Finite Element Modelling of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes’, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 20 – 24, 2016. 


C54. Chaudhry MS, Carrick RN and Czekanski A. ‘Finite Element Modelling of a Modified Kolsky Bar Developed for High Strain Rate Testing of Elastomers’, 15th ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2015), Houston, Texas, November 13 – 19, 2015. 

C55. Chaudhry MS, Carrick R, Czekanski A. ‘Design of Kolsky Bar to Characterize the Dynamic Response of Elastomers under High Strain Rate’, 25th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM2015), London, Ontario, May 31 – June 4, 2015. 

C56. Czekanski A, Al-Dojayli M and Lee T. ‘Challenges in Engineering Design Education: Vertical and Lateral Learning’, Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference CEEA2015, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, May 31 – June 3, 2015.